What is the purpose of not wiping? Why would you want to walk around and have poop on your rear? Same child smeared poop all over toilet and was standing with her pants around her ankle letting the water run (in a drought) picking her fingers with an old lice comb. What the heck is up with that? After about 10 minutes of running water I opened the door without knocking and that is what I saw. My head nearly popped off. She is way to old to be smearing poop and it makes me wonder if all the times Ava has been blamed were really her. She never denies it but it makes me wonder now.
This is Ava pictured here, she is innocent this time. Hard to believe someone so cute could eat clothes at an alarming rate, love to smear her poop around, and live to annoy her family every minute of every day. She has some lovely qualities, too. Always ready to help, smartest kid I ever met, defender of her sisters, and the best foot massager in the world.
It's a good thing for your kids that they are so darn cute, especially when they engage in Creative Projects with Poo. (If one puts them on an All Liquid Diet, will they stop pooing? But I guess that just means more pee issues.) I've been following your blog and appreciate your in-the-trenches reporting. Some days I bet you want to call it "Finished Off By My Family". -- Rachel (adoptive mom with a small family, but thinking of going bigger ...)
LOL I believe the All Liquid Diet would force them to be more creative, we have that issue, too. I think you have come up with a much better title for my blog, I might steal it since you have stolen my real name. Thanks, Rachel.
See, this is why I can imagine raising Theresa's kids if she were to bequeath them to me, but not yours. Poop smearing is where I'm officially waaaaaaaaayyyyy out of my depth.
I've had poop-smearers... They LOVE your reaction, so you've GOT to control your eyes. Just put on your smile, get the "special bucket" with the "special sponge" (the one used only for cleaning up poop) and the "special cleaning stuff - I use soft soap. And the child then gets to enjoy cleaning their mess while you stand "enjoying" watching it.
Afterwards, the child will wash any towels, carpets, etc, while you will stand "enjoying" watching it.
I had a particularily forceful poop smearer... So, everytime that that child would smear poop, I would reward all the other children with popscicles (not the child that did it.)... In just days my kids were BEGGING the poopsmearer to smear poop. Stopped it cold. See she had to clean and clean and watch everyone else eat popscicles and have big smiles (I ate a popscicle too.) She got nothing...
Think about it.
Talk about becoming flat-affect !! I guess some kids cannot handle it if your reaction to their behaviors is either too positive or too negative. On Monday the other day I had my friend's 2 fosters all day, and we got 2 cars washed. I was very happy, and my husband was VERY VERY happy. We had a nice day, and now I'm wondering how much fallout management was needed at home to deal with all that happy-happy at my house. -- Rachel
I shudder at the early incidents that cause your kiddos to smear feces. I've never dealt with this, but my guess is that as little reaction as possible is the way to go. With Slugger's bed-wetting (which is sometimes accidental, sometimes purposeful) the less reaction, the better.
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