Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Anonymous Commenter

Sorry you couldn't put your name to the nasty comment. We have "stepped up and gotten him training". We have spent over $1000 on professional training and it is helping. We work with him and separate him from the kids to feed him or the kids. The reason I put some blame on the kids is they refused to follow our instructions to not allow the dog to lay on them and do many other dominant behaviors with him. They taught him he was in charge of them, they encouraged him to be dominant over them, and they refused to listen when we gave them instructions. I am not blaming them for him having to be put down, they did actively participate in causing this problem. He is being put down b/c we have a law here that says we need to, we have tried to work with him to the point that we could be charged with child endangerment. I have been trying to find a home for him but b/c he has bitten so many times, NO ONE WILL TAKE HIM! I am convinced he would do fine, I want to save his life. How dare you call ME lazy? You have no idea what we have been through to help him work through this.

Lisa, I will do that ASAP. Thanks.


Tudu said...

How sad, you have no idea what you are talking about. My kids are mad at me constantly, this makes no difference. If you really were a responsible person you would post with your name and offer to take the dog, instead you hide behind this and judge. If you are willing to post your name I am willing to have a conversation with you, until then you will no longer be able to leave your nasty comments.

Elly said...

if it makes you feel any better, most SPCA-type organizations (pounds with adoption programs) also are forced to put down dogs with food agression issues...

Unknown said...

Tudu...:-) I one hundred percent believe that you know what is right for your family.

None of us know the extent of the aggression your dog is expressing. And if he is a threat to your family then, yes...he may not be able to be controlled.

This happens a lot with the more aggressive breads. I love you and know you will make the right choice for you and your family.

Lindsay said...

Feeling for you - hope you can find him a new home. Does his breed have a Rescue Society?

Dee said...

Having been reading your blog for ages, I am coming out of lurkdom here in support of how NOT lazy you are, Tudu!...and how HARD it is to do what you are doing ( I have ONE 6 year old foster child with a FRACTION of the problem behaviours of your children, and I STRUGGLE!)
I also believe that no matter how beloved our pets are, they ARE pets, and people have to come first.
I know that those anonymous comments were so way off mark that they probably didn't worry you too much, but I wanted to make sure you get positive comments too, and let you know how inspiring you are to a lot of us! :)

Thanks for writing...it really helps...and good luck with finding the dog a home :))


DramaMama said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are having to defend yourself over this. It is an animal. I know, we love them, we think of them as family, and it is really hard to do what you are going to do. But it is still an animal.

Debi said...

having someone who puts an animal beofre a child tells me they have no children or are willing to put those children in danger...Tudu we make tough decisions every day this is one of them...don't let some wacko get you down..if they read your blog they would know what your children are like...please tell me this person is not from Illinois or a link from my blog!!!

Abby said...

*virtual hugs*

It's pretty obvious that Ms./Mr. Anonymous hasn't been reading your blog at all or would recognize that you are an amazing parent! Pity for them that they feel the need to bash others whom they don't even know. =(

Good luck on it all.

Marthavmuffin said...

I can't believe they had the nerve to come back and sling more crap...the nerve. Tudu you are a wonderful mom who knows to do whats right for her family.

momma-o-minnie said...

Hey - I've been there and done that too. My son, T, has turned well trained dogs into idiots... He can undo training in a short matter of time with his behaviors. I'm sure your kids do too. Anonymous has no idea what it's like to live with kids that are damaged and who enjoy wreeking havoc on a home.
Hold you head up - you've done right by your kids, by your home and even by this dog. I have worked for the ASPCA for years - and that dog is unadoptable at this point. If it was put in a "no-kill" shelter, it would remain caged for years with no one to love it or take care of it. That's no life for a dog, either. You made the right choice. Hold your head up.
You are a better person than the lurker who can't even reveal their name!