Monday, December 17, 2007


My beast of a child had her fit last night at bedtime thinking she didn't have to follow rules here b/c she has chosen not to be part of the family. HAHAHAHAHa, not so deary. I had to firmly help her downstairs to the living room where I was still up tending to a sick child. She tried to argue her pathetic points to me but ended up sitting there for about an hour until I started the conversation back up. Her level of exhaustion was so high she quickly turned to sobbing announcing her need to be in our family. We agreed that no matter her words she wanted to be in our family and more importantly she wants me to be her mother. I do not expect her to control her anger and never tell me she hates me again but I will remind her of our agreement and keep moving. I expect her to talk alot about the things we discussed and the truth about her parents no matter how much it hurts. I will no longer allow her to build them up with her half truths about them. She will always love them and no one can take that from her but to fantasize they will always protect her and be prefect is unacceptable. I promised to always tell her the truth and I will continue to do so in a kind and supportive way.

I got 2 kids home from school with some stomach thing. Ella had to get her braces adjusted today and since she cries every time I have to check her in I am not sure if she really is feeling poorly like the other children or if she is manipulating me. I told her a teacher must see her vomit for me to believe her. Maybe crying wolf so many times will teach her a lesson. Probably not.

Shyanne was freaking out about going to school today. She screamed and fussed and had to be pulled to the bus stop this morning. Her Mother had gone out Saturday night and not returned until this morning at 4:30AM. I had a fit. She had woken up yesterday and instead of returning home she began drinking again claiming hair of the dog or something. Doesn't cut it with me. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.

Patches school just called and offered to purchase her some new glasses for the holiday. How sweet, she will break them in a week. SHe has broken 3 sets of glasses and one of her sisters. It seems she has something against the poor things.

I am off to get the many goodies I have to send in to the school for their parties tomorrow. The list seems endless.

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