Thursday, December 20, 2007

I know several of you have emailed me and I haven't gotten to you. I read them and want to respond but given the brief spurts of time I get on the computer, I just haven't had the time. When the kids go back to school you are high on my list, I promise.

I realized something yesterday in AT. The AT always asks how things are going and I give lots of positive stuff and a few issues, I always let him know how many meltdowns on average a week per child. He has to ask specific questions to get at the truth of the situation b/c I see how much improvement there is I don't fuss about the rages in the OT's waiting room or the kicking the van seat until I have to pull over. Those are things I can deal with b/c last year they kicked the seat until it broke and the police had to be called with public meltdowns, see progress. He laughed at me b/c he is seeing lighter versions of these lovely meltdowns in his office and wondered if it was only there. HAHAHAHAHA Once I told him they were mild he questioned me on the ones at home and in public, turns out my lack of details and just accepting them made him think they were mild. Less intense than before but not mild for sure. He thinks I have a great attitude about them but will need more details to determine what is actually happening at home (he no longer trusts me I guess). He is arranging for an AT to come to the house regularly for a bit to see how they actually are and to work with Michael on anger management. LOL I am known for exaggerating IRL about silly things like how fluffy I am or how good something is, never would I have imagined I would be accused of understating something. I just gave the facts and thought he was understood the situation. Too funny.

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