Wednesday, January 09, 2008

We have recently had the pleasure of having to pee outside at my sisters and then at a house we were looking at. It was difficult to convince the kids to squat out of sight and go, not to mention the whole be careful not to go on yourself thing. That was this weekend and I guess they assumed it would be ok to try this anywhere now that they had the skills. So there is your background for what happened yesterday. We were leaving for OT and SPeech in a hurry as usual and my DH pulled up so I hopped out to explain dinner directions for maybe 2 or 3 minutes. In this time a couple of my kids ran out of the van to use the restroom and when I turned around I asked them to get back in so and go at OT. They revealed their plan to me......they were all getting out to pee in the yard! Somehow I forgot to explain over the weekend that we only do this in the woods. WHEW!!!! I am so glad I caught them before they dropped their britches in my front yard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now that is just plain funny...I would have loved to see 4 or 5 kids dropping their pants to pee in the front yard...never a dull moment...