Ruthie had her first meltdown in quite awhile. I saw her brewing and she took off to her room, after a bit she began stomping so I went to see if she was jumping off the top bunk again. She refused to answer and since she was in a squatted position exactly where she would have landed I insisted she join me downstairs. She immediately went off. I picked her 48 # rear end and carried her. That infuriated her. I laid her on the floor in the office and let her scream. The kids started to peek in and I let them join us. I explained she obviously was in need of some attention and they were free to support her. She calmed and I asked her to stand in front of me, she began screaming at me. I know how strange this will sound but she was so great. She is so different than she was. She told me her feelings, she actually realized what was upsetting her and yelled it at me. I did have to push her a bit emotionally but she did all the work herself. She told me she is scared about moving, she has moved too many times and this is not fair, she likes her school, and she is afraid. I feel like the worst mother in the world but at least I have the best kids to make up for it.
We had a family meeting and talked about the move. We talked about being scared and angry. What it came down to is the unknown. We looked online at he new school and it is 1/3 of the size they attend now. That helped.
P.S. I just overheard Emma calling her other Mother Mama. Not that it bothers me, we have discussed it at length at Emma's request and I have encouraged her to since that is who she is to her. It is just weird and I turned around to see what she wanted. LOL
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