Thursday, January 08, 2009

Grades, a Threat, and Some Injuries

Report cards came home. I do not have an expectation that my children will have straight A s or in the grade school group, all 3 s. I do expect them to all do their personal best. Cyr is not, she dropped anywhere from 3 to 20 points in EVERY class. Patches, Ella, and Ruthie are all way below grade level with no hope to catch up this year or next. Michael is doing well if we could convince him to do his homework and Emma couldn't do any better. They all compare themselves to each other and have to be reminded that it is different for each child. The only person with a consequence was Cyr, she lost the privilege of doing her homework anywhere at her leisure until she brings back up her grades.

Cyr had an incident over the holiday break with her friend Daylan. It seems that Daylan lied about having her boyfriend over and Cyr called her on it. The girl began sending her threatening messages about beating her up and making everyone at school hate her. She called her "white trash" and many other silly names. My DH was sitting next to her throughout this incident and eventually asked her what was wrong. He spoke to the girl's mother to tell her she was threatening Cyr. The mother went all "ghetto" and began yelling at him to leave her out of it b/c she didn't want DFCS involved. He was completely confused and hung up thinking at the very least the child would stop. The girl called Cyr several times over the next few days but Cyr didn't answer.

At school yesterday she was approached by several girls being nasty to her for calling this girl a b#$&@. She actually told her to quit being one after the girl made all kinds of threats. As she was walking with her lunch tray, a table full of girls made noises at her and called her names. She came home very scared and I can only assume she is not sharing all the story. I gave her some suggestions but at the end of the day she begged me to call the school counselor today to have her step in.

Michael punched Patches in the stomach 3 times and she kicked him in the groin. I tried to push Patches out of the hall and into her room and she backed over a heater and fell on her rear. Ava got scratched across her face with a limb from their favorite climbing tree. Ava's ankle hurt before she did dishes and it was her knee after. Ruthie had a stomach ache only 4 times. Ella fell on her rear end and claims to have "broken her butt".


Corrine said...

Ooooo...tough week.
Keep you chin up!

Anonymous said...

Get Ella a butt cast!