Thursday, July 30, 2009


I spoke with Emma's Mother and she relayed some really good news about Jessica. Jessica is doing really well. She is building confidence in her decision as her family comes to terms with it. She hasn't been honest with them but is trying to get to that point. She told her BF she was going to voluntarily give up her rights, just didn't say that she had already signed them away. Her family has stopped trying to talk her into fighting and have moved to ignoring it. She said her biggest fear was everyone thinking she was a bad mom and that she gave up on her child. Since that has passed, she is moving forward. She seemed really calm and logical. It was that she needed to let it sink in that all chances of raising her were gone. She didn't expect to get her back after all that has happened and we've talked about. She assured Nikki that she knows we are going to be the best parents for her and she trusts us completely.

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