The weekend went better than expected. I guess if you lower your expectations enough you are always fulfilled. Saturday morning Ava couldn't contain herself and had to wake up all the kids except Cyr and only b/c she can't get into her room. Ava is such a little turd sometimes, thank goodness she is sooooo cute, it has saved her life more times than I can count. I tried to pretend I didn't hear them but eventually got up around 6:45AM to feed them. We had plans to leave and spend the night at my MIL's but Ruthie and Michael decided to pitch a fit around that time causing us to leave late and arrive about an hour late. I was nearly in tears by the time we got there. She had prepared a magnificent Southern lunch like only she can. I ate 2 platefuls and went to hide and take a nap. Kids played wonderfully but FIL decided it was time to repair the nails in the back deck about 30 minutes into the nap so I got up. The rest of the day went by quietly while we watched a million episodes of Nanny 911 and I went to bed a happy birthday girl.
Sunday I milked the whole Mother's Day thing to the max with my husband. He actually got up off his rear and almost helped clean up the best breakfast ever, biscuits and sausage gravy. The kids were well behaved and packed up their stuff to go home. Emma called her Mother to wish her a happy day and when she was done she asked to speak to me. She informed me that our town had been hit by a tornado and was all over the news. Turned out it hit the street off ours and our house was fine but there was a few hours we weren't sure. My DH mowed the yard and the kids cleaned up the debris. I relaxed in my bed and watched P.S. I love you and bawled for 2 hours. I had to get up several times to catch my breath and the kids kept coming in to watch me cry. They find it weird and entertaining.
I had a wonderful time at Muffins for Moms in Emma's class and I go to Michael's tomorrow. Ella threw a fit while I was there to make me feel at home, I guess. I had to explain to Ava's teacher she had scraped off her skin on her cheek trying to get her tattoo off that the teacher had put there Friday. She did this out of anger and has a lovely inflamed scab on cheek the size of her fist. I don't want them thinking I hurt her.
Their Aunt called to tell me some details that came out over the weekend about their parents. It was confirmed by their mother that she had caught her husband in a strange situation with their niece a few weeks ago. The child is still trying to keep in touch with him, she thinks they have a relationship and claims she loves him. I called the Detective's partner since she is on vacation. He is going to contact the niece's parents since both of their parents are screaming to anyone that will listen that the niece's father raped her. We don't think it is true and they are trying to take the focus off of what he has done. He had also gotten drunk and told this child's mother if she wasn't 13 he would so her. Not something to say about someone's child. That is what started the fight and accusations. They are so sick, I am so angry he is still free to hurt little girls, I really need them to pick up the pace a bit. They are having trouble with aunt that was adopted, she is avoiding them again. She doesn't want to relive this, I can't blame her but I wish I could talk to her.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like you had fun...if you call crying through a movie fun. Boy you're a weird one all right.
So here's my gift!
I wish you a beautiful year, full of healing for your kiddos a jail sentence for their parents and many moments of pure and amazing joy...like the happy giggly kind.
I love ya! (yep!)
I'm sending up a prayer that the lowlife will be dealt with SOON and put away so no other kids have to grow up messed up in mind and heart. This family (other than the few relatives you are in touch with) sounds like such a disaster -- praying that YOUR kids can stop the cycle and be healthy adults !! -- Rachel
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