The kids have a special relationship with their Birth Great Papa. He has been their caregiver at times and adores them. At 87 years old he refuses to accept help from his son and lives in a small house behind his home, alone. He had a stroke Monday and their Aunt called this morning to tell me he isn't going to make it. He was unconscious until a few hours ago, he asked to see his great grandchildren. He thinks his DIL is his late wife so I am not sure he will know who the kids are. I am checking them out of school in a few minutes and driving the 2 hours up there while their parents are unavailable to accidentally walk in. Their Father is at work with their Uncle and will keep him there, he promises to call if he leaves. Their Mother doesn't drive and everyone has told her they can't pick her up until tomorrow. We should be safe but just in case I am informing the Detective we are coming up there. I am so sad for this family. He is such a gentle soul and he will be missed greatly by my children. I am sad to say Cyr refuses to go, she says she doesn't care if he dies or if she never sees him again. I feel it is her decision to make, I know she will regret this for a long time. It won't be possible to make the funeral b/c I am sure the parents will be there.
Thinking of you and your kids at this time.
So sad, but so wonderful that the kids have SOME positive birth relatives in their lives. I hope in the long run it makes a difference for them. And you are a Wonderful Mom for taking them and (likely) dealing with all the fallout around his passing. Lifting you up !! -- Rachel
Oh, how sad. Big hugs to all of you. (Well no, big hugs to you to pass on to them, I don't want to cross boundaries with the kids!)
Will keep your family in my prayers!
Thanks for giving the kids the opportunity to continue relationships with the positive parts of their bio family. That will be important to them all in the years to come.
Praying for you all!
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