Monday, March 30, 2009

The Power of Suggestion

Ruthie, Michael, and Emma did very well at Aunt M and Uncle F's. They took them to see their maternal Grandparents. It saves me the dreaded trip. I was a bit worried about how Ruthie would do but they claim she was fine. The only issue I have with the visit is that Ruthie brought back a tiny friend, one that lays eggs and lives in the "jungle". Any ideas? Lice. A louse really. I am positive she got it from her Grandmother. No one else had any and she only had 2 nits. I will spend the time treating everyone tonight, just in case. It brought back horrible memories of the first year struggling with it b/c we had visits that reinfected them. I will not let it get like that again. It is funny how the mention of it makes your head itch. Have you scratched yet?


Lisa said...

Oh yeah....I'm itching over here. ;-)

Have you checked out Essie's blog?
Great post on the L word and lots of great treatment suggestions in the comments....

Kerry said...

Before I even got the end. haha

The only thing we had any success with was using Cephafil soap on dry hair, dry with a hair dryer until crisp, let sit over night then comb out with Tea Tree Oil and water. You don't have to worry about the chemicals on their heads, and we found it to be even more effective.

I never let it sit over night though, too impatient. When we had the sister coming for respite she arrived every weekend reinfected. Ugh. They were treating her with mayonnaise. You can imagine how well that worked.

FosterAbba said...

Get yourself several of these combs. We used them when our kids had lice and they work better than anything else I've found.

I found that a combination of soaking the kid's head in olive oil for a minimum of an hour, plus a good comb-out once a week until we found no more nits was a relatively painless way to get rid of the bugs.

Annie said...

...This is probably the first time I have ever read something about lice WITHOUT scratching my skin compulsively.

Oh, I do not look forward to revisiting the headlice years... I assure you, in my bio family of six we had so many infestations that I know it doesn't just come from visiting other households!

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact I am. UGH

Michelle said...

Now I'm literally LOL! I was scratching my head as I read your last statement...