Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Confirmed

Aunt M called me and said she was sitting in her car waiting on her DH at her MIL's. Her MIL pulled up and got out of her van and scratched her head for a solid minute with both hands. She said it was enough to give her the heebie jeebies. She left her DH there and called to tell him to walk home.


Paula Perry said...

so they have lice? gross right. it could be worst, we have scabies...seriously grim.

Tudu said...

That sucks so bad, I feel for you. My Mother and oldest sister traveled throughout South America in 1979. Both came back covered in bugs. I felt so bad for them and I was so scared I was going to get it, too.

Abby said...

Now you've got me TOTALLY freaked out and watching my students with a magnifying glass!! I got lice several times as a kid (I swear, I got them if I was within 5 miles of anybody else with them!) and I'm terrified of getting them again.

*itch itch itch*

Kelly said...

thanks alot...I am sitting here scratching my head. UGH! ;)