Tuesday, September 09, 2008

New Psychiatrist

We met our new psychiatrist today when I took Patches and Michael in. I think I like him, I know I like him better than the last one. He asked lots of questions and listened very well. He was very supportive and agreed with my ideas for their meds. He suggested something that really threw me for a loop. An out patient treatment program. He is involved with a really good one right in our area that he thinks will be fantastic for the kids. It is every day after school and usually lasts 6-24 months. He feels we should begin with Cyr, Ava, and Ruthie since they are the squeekiest wheels. I am not sure what we will do but I agreed to have the assessment done on each of them and see what happens. I also left a message for our ATs to check into this for me.

I have to go back and see this guy for Ava and Ruthie on Thursday.


Shea said...

This sounds like it might be a move in the right direction. Good luck, I hope the kids get help and things go more peacefully at your house.

Lindsay said...

Hope the new program can offer something positive for you and the kids.