Right before this photo, the nurse put in her IV. Being the dramatic child she is, I blew off her comments that she couldn't move her arm afterward. I walked to the other side to see that she actually couldn't move it, the nurse accidentally taped her arm to the bed. I guess I should've believed her.
Tomorrow I am taking Cyr and Patches to spend the night with their Aunt and Uncle for the first time. I am so excited for them. Ella will be spending the night with my sister, Kiki. Ella has no idea and will be thrilled. I hate to just send her but no one else can go. Michael is acting out too much. Ruthie is sick. Ava steals. Emma probably needs another day to recover. I even offered for Rosa's kids to go but they have a visit with their Dad. Maybe I'll just see how Em is feeling.
Poor Emma, I have never heard of someone's kidneys being paralyzed! I hope she's feeling better! Thats sort of goofy that the nurse taped her arm to the bed!!!!
Oh my word! Healing prayers for Emma!!
gosh i've not heard of that either. i do hope that she is better, and that the vomiting has stopped. how horrible.
Take care of yourself!
Poor Emma. Am I terrible person for laughing out loud about her arm being taped to the bed? haha
Oh my goodness, your family wins the Mommadramma, drama Queens award, only um...the drama is REAL. YIKES. Don't you wish you could go to some place tropical with "TAD" massaging your feet and a frosty beverage in your hand...well I know I wish that for you!
Give them all loves and hugs tonight and um...send as many as you can off to their fun overnights and look "Tad" up in the yellow pages...hey worth a shot!
Good Heavens! As if your plate weren't full enough on a daily basis anyway. Sending Miss Emma lots of good wishes for a quick recovery. Try to take good care of yourself through everything if you can.
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