Friday, October 15, 2010

As If We Needed More Drama

It seems as if my dear husband has been set on a path of self destruction without any intent. Yesterday he was at work and sliced off his thumb print. Literally. He had to go to the hospital and have it sown back. Who does this? He has built things and used nearly every power tool there is (Yes, I know how lucky I am to have a husband that can build or fix ANYTHING) with ease and skill. He Thoroughly enjoys his job. In 16 years, he has been injured on the job maybe 3 time. All minor. He thought this was minor until the meds wore off. He whined and moaned and then finally begged me to find an all night pharmacy to fill his scripts. At about 3 AM, he was able to get some rest. He tossed and turned and cried out until I got the kids up. He is a mess. He claimed he could still build the last booth today and pick up the inflatables. We'll see about that.....


Kerry said...

Oy. Maybe he thought you were getting bored being down a couple of kids? I hope he feels pain free fast!

Integrity Singer said...

stress, my dear. Our men can't communicate their needs appropriately (think big, overgrown RAD) lol

My hubby is the same way. Stress makes him do stupid shit or take unnecessary risks he'd NEVER even consider doing when he has a right mind.

men internalize their pain so differently.

Kelley said...

We'll be there close to 11 as I can manage. David is not as good as your DH with tools and stuff but he is a fair hand and is always willing. If you need to leave anything for him to do and yours can direct - go for it! Tell Michael not to suffer anymore than he has too. I'm sorry he hurt himself. No. You do not need more drama :) See you in the AM.
Love, Kelley